STC Update – ST550 Mid-Season Upgrades


STC Update - ST550 Mid-Season Upgrades

Team Associated is slowly releasing upgrades for the ST550 and, while we’d like to include them at the start of the Series, the idea is to have a cost effective Spec class that anyone can get in to.

However, we do understand that items like the Factory Team Turnbuckles and Factory Team Anti-Roll Bars will really help with the performance of the car, so we’re going to implement a Mid-Season Upgrade – basically, a point in the Season where we will be allowing more options to be purchased and fitted to the cars.

This should still help reduce the initial cost to enter the Series while allowing drivers the ability to find the full potential of these cars.

Potential Upgrades Season 1:
31926 Team Associated Factory Team Shock Set
31927 Team Associated Factory Team Anti-Roll Bar Set
31928 Team Associated Factory Team Turnbuckle Set
42056 Team Associated Factory Team Pivot Ball Set

See the STC Rules for what’s allowed at the start of the Season. We’ll announce a time frame for the other upgrades at a later date.
